Welcome to GuitarLogs.com

As brilliant as Leo Fender was, he did not keep detailed shipping logs of guitars produced during the golden years. The purpose of GuitarLogs.com is to community-source data on early Fender musical instruments to gain (evidence-based) insights and dispel myths/speculations. Additional benefits include:

  • Detailed lineage of guitar ownership, history, and modifications
  • Interesting statistics of known Fenders models
  • Facilitating dealer and seller accountability
  • Quick identification of guitars offered for sale, stolen, or parted out
  • Non-profit marketplace for connecting owners and buyers
  • Comprehensive online gallery of the best guitars Fender ever made

Please take the time to look around and contribute if you know of a Fender that isn't represented in the log. This site could not exist without the information provided by members. Each submission gets the community a better picture of Fender's early years and will perhaps save a potential buyer from an uneducated purchase.

Serial Number Coverage


This graphic illustrates serial number coverage in the log, where yellow represents serial numbers logged and black represents gaps in the log.

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